Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Welcome Welcome!!

As you can tell from the title this blog is going to be documenting my journey through 365 wonderful days of DESSERTS!!

I know I know in your head you're thinking hasn't this been done already......didn't I see a movie about this? And the answer is yes my friend it probably has, and yes the movie Julie and Julia has a similar theme. But this is MY journey and my struggles with learning new things, tasting new desserts (I know sounds like a hard job huh), and branching out of my comfort zone, not to mention finding the time to make a new dessert everyday!
Im up for the challenge though........

I hope you will follow along with me, and maybe have a few DESSERT adventures of your own!


  1. Sounds delicous! Found you from Follow Me Back Tuesday.


  2. I LOVE!!! dessert and found you via FMBT. Come by and visit.

  3. Can't wait to see what you will be making...Following you via FMBT. Pls follow me back @ http://masalabowl.blogspot.com/

  4. Following from FMBT! I'm excited about trying some new desserts!!
